Wednesday, June 11, 2008

let's get up to speed, shall we?

So, I start blogging in 2005 not because I had anything particularly important to say, but mainly because it was easier to write it somewhere and have other people read it than it was to force people to listen to me in social settings. The blog was on Myspace, which was fine, but since I have long outgrown the joy of endangering myself for social gains, I have upgraded to Blogger (Yes, I think it's classy too.)

But don't be concerned, you can put a homeless man in Louis Vitton and he'll still dig up french fries from a trash can. I say that to say that even housed within the more elegant Blogger solution the quality of my writing is not likely to improve. It may -since you brought it up- decline under the pressure.

Anyway, I'm about to post a number of blogs previously posted on Myspace just so that I can catch you up on all the useless thoughts I have been thinking. They will look like as if no one has read them, which is true, but know that they were from a time and place forgotten and that starting from this post, the madness begins again. Just think of all the dumb things yet to be writ.

O.K. I think that's all from me. Happy reading.

Your mostly melancholic observer of life, Nita.

1 comment:

Chell said...

buddy! somethings never change. you are still the odd one out of the fab five. odd as in good-odd.

and you spelled vuitton wrong. shame.


ps. i guess i have 2 blogspots. my eyes are always bigger than my stomach, and that is the same with blogspots. anyways, the "ramblings of rachel christine" is the new one. the "20 weeks and counting" was supposed to be the summer of clincials, but that never happened. [the blogging, not the clinicals]

chell :)

pps. i put a pic of us on my RORC one. [ramblings of rachel christine... see, i do ramble!]